Does Your Business have the Capability of Achieving Your Vision?

Business Vision

When setting out your business’s 3 to 5-year vision, you need to also understand what changes to current business operations (i.e. people, processes and systems) will be necessary for achieving it. Too often, business owners, boards of directors and CEOs take a piecemeal approach making ad-hoc changes along the way to their business operations, or in some cases ignoring the need to change business operations until it’s too late!

Taking a holistic approach to business-technology strategy will avoid the risks of unintended consequences from not achieving your business vision.

A holistic approach to your business-technology strategy involves developing two views of your business:

  1. Understand what your business is currently capable of. This would include current products/services your business delivers to customers that are supported by existing business operations and technology.
  1. Understand what changes to your business will be necessary to achieve your goals. Frame your vision by articulating what new products/services, or improvements to existing products/services will be necessary over the period to realise business goals such as increased market share and improved profitability. This will mean that aspects of your business’s underlying operations and technology will need to change to achieve your vision. This will affect processes, workflows, systems and technology platforms.

GL ICT Consulting can help you to identify and act on the key aspects of your business operations and technology that will need to change to align and support your business vision using a framework proven through many years of consulting to major enterprises.

Business Capability Framework